Friday, February 9, 2007

What Kind Of A Husband Are You?

Are you a Hen-pecked or a Normal Wife controlling husband? To find out, take this scientific quiz:

1. Your house is on a tight deadline for re-arranging a big sofa set, but you've hit a snag on a key point (location of the sofa). You want to go one way; your wife disagrees. To break the deadlock, you:
a. Present your opinion, listen to the other side, then fashion a workable compromise of going with wife's way.
b. Punch your wife.

2. Your favorite dinner is about to be finished, but at the last second there are some uninvited guests who steal away the dish from you. You:
a. Remind yourself that it's just a palatable dish, and that there are far more important things in your life such as Sleep and Midnight Masala.
b. Punch your uninvited guest’s wife.

3. You are driving to a cinema theater and you are lost. Would you:
a. Stop and ask your wife for the correct directions and get punched by her for getting lost in the first place.
b. Punch your wife for getting lost.

Click to continue with this remaining test.

How to score:

If you have answered "b" for all the 3 questions, then you are a normal husband with lots of problems in your married life.

If for some reason you couldn’t answer either "a" or "b" since you felt that the correct answers were "Punch your neighbour’s wife" then you are a "MANASTHAN".

In case you answered "a" to all the questions, you are hereby confirmed by the Cuban Guerrilla movement and pronounced as a Henpecked Husband.

The researchers at Venezuela’s Forestry department discovered recently, by studying both Hen and Men that they are very similar when taking up a role of a Husband. The hens however are really smart in not buying IT stocks or lottery. The studies shows in more detail that when males are put under severe pressure such as to remove finger nail polishes, some respond by chopping the finger while the rest are prepared to take directions from the other party (in plain terms "surrender to the opponent") on how to remove them. This news has thrown many psychology communities into a wild party in a distant planet while on earth it’s the same since the eating the apple @ the garden of Eden.

When one takes a look at reasons why this happens, medical practitioners always point to the early days of the male’s life. This means that one has to take a look at the school days. A typical situation for Both Male and Female would look like:

Situation: On the edge of a cliff
Boy 1 : Hey, watch it where you going?
Boy 2 : NO, you watch where you going? (Louder voice and Heavier also)
Boy 1 : Oh, sorry it’s my fault.
Boy 2 : aha, that’s better (Still louder voice but with the same weight)

The same situation with a female:
Girl 1 : Hey, watch your fingernails, its going to break. (Louder voice and somewhat Heavier)
Girl 2 : Hey, you also watch your fingernails, its going to break while waving at me.
(The deliberately escape bumping into each other) and then
Girl 1 : Lets go shopping.
Girl 2 : Lets go shopping. (And they are off to a shopping spree)

It is these small incidents that make a male into a submissive human being while the females even when they turn 80 don’t loose their decision making ability (i.e. lets go shopping and spent our husbands salary which for some reason may only be Rs.15000). The medical community is now trying to take those nails from the female hens and see if they show some signs of submissiveness. If this were to come true, many families (98 out of 100) will truly be delighted and may also rejoice the situation with fireworks and sweets.

Another example could be the songs that each of the pair listens to. A normal husband may listen to "Rajadhi Raja" "Mannan" "Vetri Kodi kattu" while the henpecked husband may listen to "Pondati Pechu kedkanum" "Nee katru Naan Maram". Some of them prefer to stay neutral and listen to "Nee paadhi nan paadhi". These entire (small) incidences take an effect when you are into a relationship with a female. (Certainly not your neighbour’s female for some reason that baffles the scientists too)

Once inside a relationship, the male also has lot of peer pressure such as only you are involved in executing the 4 letter words such as WASH, COOK, EARN while the female takes words such as SLAPS, SLEEP, and RELAX. The males at all these times are put under severe pressure. When there is situation such as cutting of monthly allowance on dresses are on the cards, the female starts to shout and you keep quiet to calm the situation down. That’s good, but when again another situation like Iraq oil crises comes, again you keep quiet to keep the situation under control.

This is where the problem starts and the only situation for these types of problem is to wait for the medical researchers at University of Berkley, California comes up with a knife that could be used both on onions and your wife. Till such time, I guess you have to wait and pray and also pay a part of your income to the AT3H - "Association to Help Henpecked Husbands" who encourage the scientist to solve this problem at the earliest.

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