Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Rahul May Lack Gene for Human Intelligence

A team of reputed genetic scientist have stunned the entire nation (MOTO: The nation needs an answer) today evening by disclosing its results the Rahul Gandhi may lack the gene for normal human intelligence.

This group which has been studying Rahul since the 2014 election campaign have made this startling discovery when they were studying the differences in IQ levels between humans and chimps. One of the leading scientists has quoted “We have found in his blood samples extremely high levels of Potassium which directly indicates a banana-rich diet which is rarely found in human inhabiting the Janpath road.”
Prompted by this clue, the group of scientist have probed much further in the DNA and found “No substantial evidence” of human intelligence. In fact they only found traces to suggest that the sample’s IQ could at most be of that of rotten cabbage.
From the congress party office, their spokesperson have no comments and are currently trying to blame the Rahul’s bananas are coming from the Gujarat region which may be the cause. However, the BJP have questioned this claim and have decided to boycott the next parliamentary session all together.
In defence of the findings, the scientist group have claimed that in their experiments they have taught a female baboon to say things such as “Women empowerment”, “RTI”, “One Minute Arnab” as their vocabulary. So they say this should not be confused with actual human speech.
In a related research done in Karnataka, scientist say that they have found that Dig Vijay Singh has an abnormal double-gene for human speech and this explains why it is virtually impossible to get him to shut-up. Some of the research group are also claiming that Arvind Kejriwal may have a curled gene which makes him autocratic on any matter.
While we are all shocked and awed by this revelation, we find that this gene is also very prominent with the Bollywood film fraternity writers, which may explain the reason for such sloppy script writings.

While on this note, let me finish my last piece of Mexican platano.

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