Monday, March 22, 2010

Viruses Of India Today

Every now and then your computer system may behave in a very strange way. This is due to a software program called “VIRUS” which causes the system to behave in an unusual way. There are many available scanners to remove them and software’s to protect the user from viruses entering your system.

Today I am going to list a few of the most famous viruses which have caught the Indian system and have categorised them into being old or new based on the timelines of their existence.

We start with the new or latest viruses that are found in India currently:
L.K. Advani Virus:
This virus pops up every now and then with messages praising yesteryear Pakistani leaders, and the only way you can continue working is by typing Jai Shri Ram 108 times. A complete removal is possible by performing a full rath yathra using flash.

K.P.S. Gill Virus:
Only ladies need to worry about this virus.Every now and then the users get a whack, you know where.

Deve Gowda Virus:
Mostly this virus is found to be sleeping and does no harm. It does no harm to applications that have the keywords farmer or dalits, to the remaining it created havoc by scheduling them at in appropriate times.

Kumaraswamy Virus:
The main characteristic of this virus is that it tries to take control of the machine by making an arrangement with the other process such that it uses 50% of the time slot and give the remaining to the others. Once the virus has used its 50% of share, the virus backs out of the agreement.

Jayalalitha Virus:
This actually is a family of viruses. Each member of this virus family grab as much of hard disk space as possible, while the main virus is totally unaware of it. When everything stops working, this virus blames the user for the whole chaos. It also sends random emails praising the viruses and its achievements.

Laloo Yadav virus:
A dangerous virus, gulps all the resources as well as it corrupts the data. If you try to use scanner when the system is hibernating, it will rename its signature with another deadly virus of the same family (AKA Rabdri Virus). This virus takes help from other viruses to avoid scanning at any time.

Mulayam Virus:
Whatever way, it will try to grab resources of the system; its only task is to abort the BJP processes. This virus hangs the system by sending conflicting signals to different hardware units.

Sonia Gandhi Virus:
Once a part of most deadly virus family of the world. No scanner can detect now, how much damage it can cause to the system, but people used the Bofors scanner for temporary protection. The cleaner for this virus would be available only during the next general elections, until then it has the complete control of the network.

Manmohan Singh Virus:
This virus always plays a second fiddle to the Sonai virus. It has no powers on its own, but will be executing harmful things that Sonia virus wants to. Also the level of execution of this virus is very low is often called a “Week Virus” by the opposition viruses. The main strength of this virus used to be finance but know has been reduced to an administrative virus to front-end the Sonai virus.

Left Virus:
The main aim of this virus is to stop any resource from accessing data from the US or western world. It tries to block the Internet Explorer from loading western data. In case if the system tries to load, it halts the complete execution of the machine. The preferred colour of this virus is RED and turns the screen into a RED one upon taking control.

Varun Ghandhi Virus:
This virus is a very fire-brand one which sometimes makes remarks which are very powerful and against the system. Often it gets itself caught by scanners such as NSA and is put into a virus vault for weeks before letting it free again. This virus comes only once in 5 years or whenever there are elections in UP.

Maya Virus:
It's also called the Dalit virus, it destabilizes the co-ordination amongst different resources, It controls & steps the low priority resources from functioning. Other viruses are thriving by splitting this virus. Lot of scanners available now to kill this virus using the principle of garlanding Maya with Rs.1000 notes or building a memorial park.

Sania Virus:
It's also called the Second round exit virus, it destabilizes the input and output peripherals such that the system comes to a crashing halt at the second level of execution. It does not go beyond the second instruction that the user furnishes. The user interface of this virus is stunning but its working style is very mediocre.

Shashi Tharoor Virus:
This is a very complicated virus to understand since its communication model uses twits. Often it sends out misinterpreted data from the user’s mailbox. For instance: if the user is asking his concern to book a ticket in first class, it would send a message as “Book a ticket for me in cattle class” and gets the user into trouble. The way to avoid this virus is to keep the system without options for twitter, FaceBook etc.

Harbajan Virus:
This virus claims to have a deadly attack but fails to impress when actually attacked. It basically tries to slap the user or tries to call the user as “M***ey” or “D***ey”. This virus performs exceedingly well if the user is an Australian. The only way to clean this virus is to shutdown the system for 2 days so that the virus cannot to access the system data.

Aishswarya Bachan Virus:
This virus falls under the genre of Bachan viruses. The main aim of this virus is to keep the system’s graphical display with the same emotion (like a log) when there is a critical error, a fault, a successful transaction. However, based on the amount of money exchanged in a transaction this virus changes its emotions. The only way to erase this virus is to communicate the age of the virus to itself and it will self-destruct.

Vijayakanth Virus:
This is known as the captain of all viruses. It usually takes complete control of the system and then generates a report of how many processes are Trojans, how many were captured, how many are still under scanning, what percentage of Trojans are dangerous. The virus uses electric signals from the computer power supply to eliminate the Trojans from the hard drive. This virus is not a serious one, but tries to kill the user with unwanted reports.

Older Viruses:

P.V. Narasimha Rao Virus:
First of all, this virus reduces the CPU speed to 66Hz. Before executing any instruction, it deliberates over it a number of times and finally does nothing.

V.P. Singh Virus:
This virus reserves a quota for each instruction, and executes them only according to the quota. Needless to say, the least used instructions have a higher quota than the more used instructions. This virus is favored the Mandal Commision report as a working style which lead to its own demise.

Sukh Ram Virus:
This virus first swallows 10% of the bits in each instruction and then executes them.

Maneka Gandhi Virus:
This is a green virus. It allows executing programmes that were written either by vegetarians or animal lovers.

Phoolan Devi Virus:
This virus hijacks all high priority processes and generates page faults for them. At times, this virus may also celebrate the CPU*s birthday.

I.K.Gujral Virus:
Before executing any instruction, this virus tries to get the approval of 18 other viruses and most of the time, one of the viruses blocks the voting. So the Gujral virus does not execute anything. While it is not doing anything, as it is always, this virus connects to the Internet and keeps sending data to all major/minor countries in the World except India w/o receiving the replies.

Veerappan virus:
This virus plays hide and seek. It captures some famous or celebrity resources and releases them after a quarantine time of 100 days. It sometimes seems to be eradicated but suddenly reappears. Only a few scanners like “Natkiran” or “LTTE” have access to this virus database.

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