Sunday, November 24, 2019

Old Proverbs In A New Bottle

Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. These sayings are called "proverbs". Usually, it takes time for these sentences to become a part of that culture. Hence proverbs are always known as old.

Since today’s generation has no time to get into this Proverbs, idioms, and phrases I set out to create more meaningful proverbs for today’s scenario by taking the old one.

Let me know your comments – 
  1. A pepper spray keeps the molesters away
  2. All the online offers is not Sale
  3. A novice and his data are soon parted
  4. Always put the best profile online
  5. An empty manager makes more money
  6. A backup in time saves nine
  7. Don’t judge a person by his profile picture
  8. Don’t forward your own FB status
  9. Cash is thicker than e-Payments
  10. Best things in the Internet are Free
  11. As you send eMail, so you shall receive
  12. A comment is worth a thousand likes
  13. A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single click
  14. The charge on the phone is only as strong as its battery
  15. A remote in hand is worth two in the phone
  16. A bad manager always blames his team
  17. All good online sales come to an end
  18.  Privacy is in the hands of the beholder
  19. Good contents cannot be viral
  20. Cyber-hack killed the cat
  21. Don’t download more than what you can stream
  22. Don’t put all your data in one cloud
  23. Don’t put the password before the login
  24. Entrepreneur rush in where Venture Capitalist fear to thread
  25. Fortunes favor the start-ups
  26. Give public servants an inch they will take a mile
  27. Incognito is the best policy
  28. If you play online, you will get broke
  29. It’s no use crying over deleted data
  30. Ignorance is bliss
Till the next time - it's better to be Safe (from reading these crap) than Sorry.