Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our Governments Report Card - A Birds Eye View

Statutory Warning: Any name or event appearing in this blog is purely based on fictional new items and television shows. If there are any resemblances it is purely coincidental.

I have been watching the special programs for a long time (since May 1981) and now I feel like I need to be a part of this event rather than simply watching it. I am here alluring to the KPA-II (Kangress Party Alliance) report card. I guess that every television channel network now has a total working creativity capacity of a deranged mutant cabbage.

Reality television is a genre of programmes that is supposed to present unscripted dramatic or humourous programs but in reality it doesn’t. They have started covering the achievements of the government of India in the last one year. I know that you will be rolling out in the ground over but this is not a reality show but an out and out humourous show.

Let us loot – opss sorry for the typo. The moment I say government even the keyboard seems to know that LOOT is what comes to our mind. Anyway back to the topic, let us look at the contestants and see how they have fared.

The Hero – Prime minister: Dr. Madam’s Maid Servant (MMS) who is a very soft and non-politician guy but have the most important attribute to be the head, a perfect puppet.

The Heroin – Party President: Ms.Gonia Shandhi who is an aggressive and dimwitted person with loads of cash and network across the globe. She is the person right enough to pull the strings of our Hero.

The 2nd Heroin – Kayawati: A power centre who always is welcomed with a garland worth Rs.13 lakhs. She wants to have herself pulling the strings of the PM or possibly wants to play the Hero’s role herself.

The Financier: Mr.Mranab Pukerjee: Here is a man capable of running the entire fiscal dealing of the country, the only things is he confuses himself between credit & debit column in his budget. Foreseeing this small mistake, he is THE man to run our economy from WORSE to WORST.

The Security Officer: Mr.C.Phidambaram – A man who has lost a creamy portfolio and landed in a minefield. His soul duty is to make statements on improving our homeland security while a bomb goes off next to his meeting place. The threat to this bomb had been given to him via different mediums such as e-mails, SMS, courier, in-person delivery and official broadcast also.

The Communication Expert: Mr.R.Aaja – the person who has a total brain working capacity of dialing 100 for fire emergencies but was reluctantly put on a job to handle communication policies. He is a very shy person, infact sees his own wife behind the kitchen doors and needs his grandfather’s help in bailing him out of controversies.

The Educationalist – Mr. Sapil Kibil – the person who wants to implement what every kid dreams off – school days without exams. He wants to make sure that none of the student is unhappy and abolish all kinds of unwanted elements from the present schooling system such as exams, grades, teachers, moral science subjects et all.

The High Flier – Mr.Kraful Matel – a person who is apt for a high flying portfolio. There are no worries for him by his portfolio flagship concern making loss after loss every year since he earns his lions share from the lucrative IPL league.

The Trainer – Ms. Bamtha Mannerjee – a hardcore fanatic of something which I have no clue about, but am certain that she is a fanatic of something. Her high pitched shrill voice and absolute non-constructive ideas make her as a joker in the pack of cards. She is pretty much training herself to come back to power in her own state – which is Bengal and is in a pretty bad state too.

The Rightful Owner to the Throne – Mr. Gahul Rhandhi, a young energetic boy who thinks that drinking chai with locals and travelling in second class (Not to be mistaken with cattle class, since this is not tweeter) will earn him more trust as an Aam Adhmi Netha. The point to note is that he always wears Armani, Nike and Rolex but prefers chai in mud tumblers. His dream is to over throw the current hero (the puppet) and take the cake and eat it too all by himself.

The Law maker – Mr. Meerappa Voily – a loyalist to the party president and acts only on her directions. He is very strict that he will only abide by the party presidents word. Not much of powers are entrusted to him. Hence he is still pondering to take a decision to hang a confirmed pickpocket named Vasab.

The Culinary Man – Mr. Pharad Sawar, a man in charge of producing food grains for the entire nation but he doesn’t have time to overlook it since he has to run the ICC as a chairman. He has to see that India wins at least one world cup when he is with ICC while many farmers die due to lack of policies from his portfolio.

The Personnel department – Mr. K.S.Mrishna – who is not much of a person to talk about but has a deputy who has lots to talk on, Mr. Thashi Sharoor. His deputy is always seen in tweeter making comments which are very complimentary to his party’s governance.

The Villains – you cannot have a show that has no villans, we are not making a Disney Cartoon movie for kids. So the villains are in the form of JBP, Left, Right, Yulayam Madav, Sulayam Mingh, Sarjun Aingh, Bamitab Aachan etc. These guys currently have no scope in the story until 2014 when the next general elections are due.

So if you can imagine a reality show with all these contestants what would you have – a ball of a time, much better than Parliamentary Session.

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